When Dillon was young, he created a spectacular memorial as part of a school project on the Holocaust, which contained poetry, photos and other writings which showed his despair over the death of millions of people based on religious beliefs. And as he grew, he continued to be outraged and disheartened by the continuous human rights violations across the world. Dillon got involved with funding a water well project in Darfur providing much needed water to a refugee camp.
The Dillon Henry Community Clinic
We are honoring Dillon’s memory by providing primary health care and community health for displaced and conflict affected populations in Ouadda Djalle, Vakaga Prefecture, Central African Republic. We know that our Medical Clinic servicing the critical needs of refugees and indigenous populations of 43,000, who are the survivors of genocide, will honor Dillon’s commitment for fighting injustice all over the world.
The Dillon Henry Youth Centers
Children & Youth (under 18 years) make up 64% of the population of the Oure Cassoni refugee camp and are especially vulnerable at having escaped the violence and terrors of Darfur. These Youth Centers will draw on the knowledge and capacity of the refugee children to create a healthier and protective environment within the camp by creating both increased play spaces and platforms for intellectual and creative expression. We will help support a safer and better quality of life for all children living in these dire conditions.
The Chambucha Rape & Crisis Center in the Congo
The newly built Chambucha Rape & Crisis Center in the Congo gives women and girls access to medical care.The center staffs 40 community health workers, 32 nurses, 30 traditional birth attendants, 3 surgical nurses, and a lab technician, anesthesiologist and medical doctor.
Amani’s Home for Pregnant Teens
At Amanis home for pregnant teens, 15 Teen mothers, pregnant through rape and abandoned and shunned by their families, are given a place of refuge, comfort and opportunity for two years. In the center the girls and other community members can access vocational skills, learn about nutrition and health issues for their children and gather safely for meetings. As the two year period is ends, new girls are accepted into the program to begin a new cycle of support to these vulnerable children.
Please make sure to specify ‘Dillon Henry’ in the dedication portion.
Read article about the Dillon Henry Medical Clinic by International Medical Corps (IMC)
Read mid-term report on Dillon Henry Youth Centers by International Relief Corps (IIRC)
Read final report on Dillon Henry Youth Centers
View the Oure Cassoni Youth Newsletter OR read the translated version
Learn more about Chambucha Rape & Crisis Center
View photos of Oure Cassoni Refugee Camp